Me ranting about things because I'm bored

 Remote learning has been an interesting experience. Mostly when I can't go anywhere and talk to others except if its on facetime. I think it could be a little bit better if I could go outside. This blog is going to be me ranting about the decision I've been making. first thing first I took pictures of me for this blog. Why would I do this you might ask let me answer because sometimes you have to have fun. It's probably not funny or fun for you but it got me to do something different for five minutes.

The thing I like about remote learning is that I don't have to wake up so early. After that, I would rather be at school. Now if they say you have the option of going to school or going home without doing any work then I would choose to stay home. I just want to go out go to the store or something. One time I went to Target to get something we were missing and I love going to store but I not going to one ever again until all this coronavirus goes away. I like to look at clothes but my mom was like no don't touch that the virus can be on clothes for 12 hours, I think that what she said I don't remember if it was 12 or 6 hours. I'm glad my mom wants me to be safe and healthy but I just want life to be normal. I'm not the tape a person who shows my emotion that much I just bubble everything in but I have a lot of thing in my mind I need to let somethings out so I did. It's not everything because I'm not going to sure everything but it's a tiny bit of what I'm kinda feeling. One thing I did differently is I started to drink one gallon of water every day. I heard if you dirk a gallon it could clear up your skin. I can see the difference it's not super clear but it's better then it has been. Ok, I'm done hope everyone is staying safe and happy we are going to get this through together just stay positive.
When I get started

When I'm stress out 
When  my mind goes crazy 
When I finish everything


  1. Very creative pictures📸 that you included Hope your staying happy, and having a positive midset! (❁´◡`❁)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I hate staying home, I miss my friends and everyone else... I miss going to school.


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